1) Reg/Admission is open to all irrespective of caste, color, creed or community.
2) Admission is granted after Test / Interview (except for pre Nur & Nur)
3) Admission on Ist come Ist serve basis, also depends on availability of seats & submission of valid & required documents.
4) Registration does not guarantee admission.
5) In case of Re Appear, students coming from other board/state , student/Parenst will have to provide an affidavit & admission will be provisional & subject to approval of PSEB, Mohali. The school will not held any responsibility in this regard.
6) The school reserves the right to accept/reject any admission on the basis of valid/legal point/board-school rules & on disciplinary grounds.
7) Registration for class Ist to XII starts wef Ist April, every year.
8) Students are advised to fill their form in own handwriting ( 6th to 12th), parents are requested to provide their dot/mobile no for better communication
9) Documents required: DOB, DMC of previous class (dully stamped & signed), school leaving certificate (counter signed , in case of out state students)
Special note :
10) For Pre Nursery & Nursery : No admission fee
11) Students seeking admission to 9th/ 10th/ 11th/ 12th , Registration No is must, school will not held any responsibility in this reagard.
12) Re appear/ Compartment students are not eligible for admission to +1 & +2 class as a regular student.
13) If PSEB rejects the Admission to any student of 9th /10th/ 11th /12 th , on any valid point , the school will not held any responsibility in this regard as it’s the prime duty of the Parents/student to provide-submit the required/valid documents well in time & as per rules.
14) Submission of Bogus information/certificates/documents , may lead to harsh action against the student & parents.
Subjects ( +1 & +2)
+1 & +2 : Arts & Inter Arts : Subjects available for (10+1 & +2) :
Pbi ( comp), Eng (comp), Hindi, El Pbi, Hist, Eco, Sociology, Mathematics
Phy Edy, Comp Sc, Music, (combination as per PSEB-school rules)
EVS is compulsory, NSS unit is also working in school.
# Separate section for boys & Girls
Facilities (Academic)
Smart class, Learning Lab, Library, Fine Arts Section, Music Classes Available
Attendance Rules:
75 % attendance is compulsory
Take prior leave in case of absence ( parents sig’s are must)
Name of the student will be struck off from rolls after 7 days of absence without prior information.
In case of serious illness, please take care of your ward & don’t send him/her to school without consulting school authorities & submit Medical certificate of Registered Med Pract.